Monday, March 11, 2013

Today's Run in Rain, Sleet, and Snow

By the time the run was over, the snowflakes were big and beautiful.  The run was seven miles on an early March Sunday. It started out 35 degrees and raining.  By mile 3.46 it had turned into sleet. Sharp little bullets hitting my face, and sometimes, my eyeball.  By mile 5.37 it had started to snow. As I mentioned, big fluffy, beautiful flakes, slowly falling to the earth. I often think about how long runs are an excellent metaphor for survival. Surviving. Surviving anything.  Surviving a rotten childhood, a rocky relationship, a difficult workplace, or, today, I was thinking about surviving cancer.  Twice.  Now, as far as cancer survivors go, I have it pretty easy.  As far as two-time cancer survivors go, I have it ridiculously easy.  I mean really......just a little chemo for round one and a little radiation for round two.   So, okay, there was a 5-day extra credit hospital stay during round one, and a lumpectomy (ok, two) for round two.  Yes, I was scared. Yes, I was tired. And, Yes, I was truly very sick.  But, the outlook for survival seemed assured both times.  I clung to that, and for the most part never worried about cancer killing me.  And, lo and behold, the treatments worked flawlessly and I am a two-time survivor, just like that.  Ba da boom, Bob's yer Uncle, You're a rock star, You're in remission. 

But, alas, like a run, it seems a hell of a lot easier once it's done.  During a run, you can be cursing much or the whole time....oh my god! could this hill be any longer? How could I have managed to have to run up hill BOTH WAYS??? Oh, my shoes are soaking wet from that puddle, crap, I'm going to fall on that ice!! Ok, minivan lady, it's much more important for you to turn left onto Grand than me crossing the street in what's turned into a pretty respectable snowstorm.  No really, you go ahead.
Then you get home, stretch, take a shower. How was your run? Pretty good, thanks! Got 7 miles in! The last 1/2 mile was a bit tough, but other than that, pretty awesome!

Once somebody is diagnosed with cancer, they're a survivor. From Day One.  Pretty cool to think about it, really.  One day you can be walking along in the beautiful sunshine, going to kickboxing class, going to yoga, running10K's way faster than you thought you could, then suddenly, you can't walk because your guts are so bunged up you think you should eat more greens (like a truck full, cuz really, you already eat a lot) or you feel a lump (what the hell is that? Is there one on the other side????) then the clouds roll in like some weird cartoon or horror movie and it starts raining.

Running in the rain can seem peaceful. Almost refreshing.  It certainly can make you feel alive.  I think that's what I love most about any kind of severe weather.  It can take you by the shoulders and shake you.  Wake up! Notice your surroundings.  Yes, smell the roses.  The daffodils. The rain. The pine trees. Can you hear the birds? They can tell it's about to be full-on spring.  

Well, you guessed it.....a cancer diagnosis can do the same thing.  Slap you up side the head to remind you that you are currently alive.  but, hey, who knows how long that will last? Are you doing to best you can to have a meaningful life, chump? You've only got two.  Ah, you caught that.  Very clever. It's just the one, chump.  And, we can hope, pray, and meditate that we'll get to live until we're 102, but there are absolutely zippo, nada, naught, gaurantees that we'll live past tonight. 

Has cancer taught me these lessons? Yes. I think so. Not just cancer, but other things that I've battled and overcome. I have minimized or eliminated distractions as much as possible. I try to live fully most moments. Enjoy my children, love my lover, eat great food, engage with my community in meaningful ways. And, I run. I run in weather. I never used to run in weather. It had to be between 55 and 83, little to no wind, certainly no rain, sleet, or snow. Now, I run in anything between 10 and 95 degrees. The cold, the heat, the all makes me feel alive. Alive. AND WELL.